What is the population of kwamashu

What is the population of kwamashu

It has a total population of about 750 000 people.

What is the population of kwamashu

How many people live in KwaMashu

It has a total population of about 750 000 people. It serves as a referral centre for 6 Satellite clinics including 2 municipal clinics, 11 mobile clinics and other health facilities in the PINK (Phoenix, Inanda, Ntuzuma and KwaMashu) area.

Is KwaMashu a rural or urban settlement

While land is generally scarce in the area, some tracts of undeveloped land still exist within KwaMashu and on the outskirts of Inanda. The population is about 580 000 people (2006 estimate) in an area that covers 70,1km². The entire population is urban based. The population density is 6 325 persons/km².

What is the population of Durban 2022


The current metro area population of Ethekwini in 2022 is 3,199,000, a 0.72% increase from 2021. The metro area population of Ethekwini in 2021 was 3,176,000, a 0.57% increase from 2020.

Is KwaMashu a town

KwaMashu is a township 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) north of Durban, South Africa. The name is in honour of Sir Marshall Campbell and means Place of Marshall.


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