What is Umlazi river used for

What is Umlazi river used for

In the upper uMlazi, the main land-use types are agriculture, forestry and small rural and peri-urban settlemements. The river flows through the Baynesfield and Mapstone dams before entering the Tala Valley, an area of intense commercial agriculture and isolated forestry.

What is Umlazi river used for

Why was Umlazi built

The Umlazi Reserve was established in 1862 by the Church of England to provide for a progressive rural life for “natives” in pursuit of pastoral and agricultural occupation. It was proclaimed a township in 1962 to house residents of Cato Manor who were moved under the slums law.

What type of river is the Umlazi River

Stream –

Alternative Names:Mlazi, Umlaas, Umlaas River, Umlazi River
Type:Stream – a body of running water moving to a lower level in a channel on land
Mindat.org Region:eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Region:Ethekwini, eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality, Province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Is water in Umlazi river polluted

While many studies have shown that water quality is deteriorated downstream of these settlements, with high levels of faecal coliform, solid waste and organic pollution, posing health risks for those living in these areas and surrounding (Quibell, 2011).

Where is the Umlazi River located

The uMlazi River originates south west of Pietermaritzburg at 1 500m above sea level. In the upper uMlazi, the main land-use types are agriculture, forestry and small rural and peri-urban settlemements.


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