What is the population of Umlazi in 2021

What is the population of Umlazi in 2021

Today, Umlazi (situated 17km southwest of Durban) has a population of about 400 000. Some estimates indicate a higher population figure – up to 1 million people.

What is the population of Umlazi in 2021

What is the population of Umlazi 2021

about 400 000

Today, Umlazi (situated 17km southwest of Durban) has a population of about 400 000. Some estimates indicate a higher population figure – up to 1 million people.

What is the population of Umlazi


• Total47.46 km2 (18.32 sq mi)
Population (2011)
• Total404,811
• Density8,500/km2(22,000/sq mi)

What is Umlazi famous for

In 1967 Umlazi was established as a Black township and was one of the places where many who were displaced from Cato Manor ended up. It housed African labourers, many of whom were needed to work in White-owned industries in the South Durban industrial area. The township would later become the largest in Durban.

Is Umlazi the biggest township in South Africa

Umlazi. As the fourth largest township in South Africa, Umlazi is the only township with its own registration plate in the country. The population of the township is estimated to be 404,811.


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